Arrangement / OPEX 10th Annual World Engineering ,Construction & Procurement

OPEX 10th Annual World Engineering ,Construction & Procurement

- 28.09.2022
Sted: London September 2022.

Info om arrangementet

Its our great pleasure to invite you to join  OPEX 10th Annual World Engineering ,Construction & Procurement Summit London September 2022.

10th Edition Focus:




Get practical guide, hands-on training in powerful PM tools that will help you approach your EPC Project in Era of global economic volatility.


Designing a Model To Increase the Profitability of EPC Projects


Economic Risk Assessment of EPC Projects


War in Ukraine: the construction impact on European and global economies


The domino effect of the Ukraine crisis on gas and LNG Projects


Overview of current EPC Market situation


Explore Industry growth post pandemic opportunities in 2022 Future of global supply-chain post-covid Overcome supply chain disruption and sourcing challenges likely to affect project delivery and margins


Developing an effective risk management strategy


What is our core competency? What do we do well? And what don't we do well?


Dealing with critical project drivers (time, cost, quality and scope) and how they are affected when Alert Levels change or are redefined. Appropriately engage with potential contractors as part of the procurement process EPC Market Overview of financial modeling